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Perimenopause Symptom Quiz

This quiz is designed to help you assess whether you may be experiencing perimenopause. Upon completing the quiz, you'll receive your results and be taken to a page where you can learn if your symptoms are likely due to perimenopause, plus explore valuable information about your symptoms, essential insights into menopause, and practical, easy-to-implement solutions that you can start using today.

I haven't been feeling like myself
Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree
I have trouble with memory, concentration, and/or brain fog
NoRarelySometimesOftenAll the Time
I have temperature fluctuations where I'm either suddenly hot, suddenly freezing, or both.
NoRarelySometimesOftenAll the Time
I have been struggling to get to sleep, stay asleep, or get a solid night's rest.
NoRarelySometimesOftenAll the Time
I suffer from recurring muscle pain, joint pain, and/or frozen shoulder.
NoRarelySometimesOftenAll the Time
I struggle with fatigue, low energy, and/or need caffeine to get thru the day.
NoRarelySometimesOftenAll the Time
My sexual desires have decreased
No it is Sky HighNot ReallyKindaPretty MuchYep
I am experiencing vaginal dryness, discomfort, and/or pain.
NoRarelySometimesOftenAll the Time
I experience bladder control issues when sneezing, lifting, exercising, etc.
NoRarelySometimesOftenAll the Time
I'm experiencing hair loss and/or hair growth in unexpected areas.
NoRarelySometimesOftenAll the Time
I am experiencing itchy ears, watery ears, and/or auditory sensitivity.
NoRarelySometimesOftenAll the Time
I'm experiencing phantom sensations (feelings, smells, tastes, etc.)
NoRarelySometimesOftenAll the Time
I'm experiencing out of the ordinary mood swings (anxiety, rage, sadness)
NoRarelySometimesOftenAll the Time
I am experiencing increased weight gain, especially around my midsection
NoRarelySometimesOftenAll the Time
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